The DEA’s 20th National Drug Take-Back Day is this Saturday, April 30, 2022. This is a safe, responsible way to rid home medicine cabinets of unused prescription drugs and prevent diversion for misuse or illicit use.

Please visit to find the nearest US Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Take-Back Day site nearest you. Please share this link to ensure as many individuals and families as possible are aware of this free, anonymous, “no questions asked” opportunity to dispose of prescription drugs.

According to the federal government, for the first time in US history, annual overdose deaths reached 100,000 last year, marking a 28.5 percent increase from 2020 to 2021. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) reports fatal fentanyl and/or heroin overdoses increased 58.6 percent from 2019 to 2020, with 2021 numbers predicted to be even higher. If this trend continues, the Commonwealth stands to lose over 2,600 residents from overdose deaths annually. Prescription opioids and other controlled medications are often found in conjunction with fentanyl overdose cases.